Monday, April 30, 2012


Meet "Ivella" oh man isn't she hot to trot with her dark and dusky finish? This pretty little number belongs to my client Ashley who inherited it from her grandmother. This armoire has always been loved, but there was not a plan for her until now!
"Ivella" will no longer be wasting away in storage....but instead she will be strutting her stuff in her newly remodeled and fabulous home!
Amen....and Amen.

GIVEAWAY WINNER: The fabulous Thomas Paul plates are going home with Anne! I think it is very fitting that her name was is her comment:
"Anne said...
Okay, do count me in! (You know how to make an admirer go from lurking to commenting!) ;)" 

If you did not win these plates and you really would like to have some for your home I have two more sets available! Email me: .


  1. I love that color! So nice that it's going to be used now. Do you have a name for the color or is it a mix?

  2. Ivella is gorgeous - love the color and her legs! Okay - so how do you choose their names?

  3. such a lovely piece! i love that it has wheels. i wish i could fit an armoire anywhere in my apartment. beautiful photos as well.

  4. Between blue and Yellow, Thank you! I agree that it is always a good thing when these pieces come back to life and are fresh again :} The paint is called Slate court by valspar.

    Vicki K., Thank you! I have such a random/ intentional way of coming up with names! This particular piece belonged to my clients grandmom so I used an old southern belle name that I found.....but most of the time I choose old fashioned names because I feel like it fits the time period and the grace of each piece and adds a character that is instant.

    L.Duncan, awww....thank you so much lady!

    Leyla, Thank you my dear.....I always love when a piece has wheels is just instant goodness :}....and thank you for your sweet compliments on the photos.


  5. Okay, she is definitely the hotness! And I love her styling! You may have just inspired a quuick little presto chango around these texas parts! Xoxo homie

  6. Okay, she is definitely the hotness! And I love her styling! You may have just inspired a quuick little presto chango around these texas parts! Xoxo homie


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